Top Beneficial Asthma Foods

Top Beneficial Asthma Foods

Asthma happens when allergens trigger the airways in a person’s lungs. The airways get irritated and inflamed. In extreme cases, the swelling can cause the airways to get so uncomfortable that it is very difficult to breathe naturally. This can quickly turn into a life-threatening situation. A proper asthma diet can help build immunity naturally to help asthma breathing episodes.

Below is a list of foods proven to help prevent asthma symptoms:

1. Fatty fish Fish
Fatty fish have the wonderful omega-3 fatty acids, which have been proven to reduce inflammation naturally in the whole body. It is good for cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and asthma. A good asthma diet should include fatty fish at least two times a week. Some good ways to get this superfood in your diet is to eat more tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring fish. If you are not a big fish eater, you can get them from vegetables too like spinach, broccoli, and nuts such as walnuts and almonds.

2. Fruits and veggies rich in vitamin A
Studies have shown that fruits and vegetables high in vitamin A can improve lung function. Asthmatic people have been shown to have lower vitamin A levels than those without asthma. A good diet for asthma patients should include plenty of vitamin A foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, spinach, and broccoli. If those don’t get your mouth watering then try some apricots, peppers, tomatoes, eggs, or tuna.

3. Potassium and magnesium superfoods
Studies have shown those who ate foods rich in these minerals had less asthmatic symptoms than those who did not. Potassium and magnesium are good for heart health, blood pressure, cell and nerve function, diabetes, anti-inflammation, and asthma. They have also been shown to help with depression and boost athletic performance. So dig in and eat these superfoods! Some yummy foods to try that are high in these minerals are kiwi fruit, strawberries, avocados, blackberries, raspberries, and salmon.

4. Foods to skip
Asthma trigger foods can cause uncomfortable sensations as well as an asthma attack. Certain foods are known to aggravate lung function. The most common asthma trigger foods are as follows:

  • Dried fruit and wine or anything containing sulfites.
  • Anything containing foods containing preservatives or other artificial ingredients.
  • Common foods known to cause gas and bloating such as beans, onions, garlic, and cabbage.
  • Fried foods and sodas.

5. Avoid food allergy triggers
If you know you have a food allergy, foods containing the allergen should be avoided for best health. Common food allergies that can trigger asthma attacks are nuts; all dairy products including ice cream, and cheese; and anything processed with whey or dairy. All types of shellfish can be a serious allergy for some folks. Wheat or gluten can also be a problem causing unwanted inflammation. Avoid these triggers and breath easier.