Lung Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and Diet

Lung Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and Diet

Cancer of any type can put your finances and emotions out of control. The deadly disease sets in following an uncontrolled growth or division of abnormal cells in specific parts of the body. One of the alarming categories of this disease is lung cancer. Also known as lung carcinoma, the uncontrolled growth in lung tissues can spread easily beyond the lungs by a process called metastasis.

While doctors often prescribe certain medications and metastatic SCLC treatment options like Rybrevant egfr mutation immunotherapy, SCLC chemotherapy regimen, and precision medicine targeted therapy to treat lung cancer, there are some specific foods that help prevent lung cancer, knowing the symptoms and causes beforehand is extremely important.

Symptoms of lung cancer

  • Pain in the chest or the ribs
  • Persistent cough accompanied by blood or mucus
  • Respiratory infections, shortness of breath or wheezing
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Changes in voice such as hoarseness
  • Unexplained headaches

Causes of lung cancer
The causes of lung cancer can vary from person to person. However, the following lifestyle habits are the primary causes of lung cancer:

  • Smoking and passive smoking
  • Exposure to asbestos fibers or silicate fibers combined with metal oxides
  • Exposure to radon gas that is a radioactive gas emitted from the decay product of uranium
  • Hereditary
  • Lung diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pulmonary fibrosis
  • Over-exposure to air pollution from vehicles and industries and power plants
  • Frequent exposure to diesel exhaust

Lung cancer and food
While its important to know the foods that help prevent lung cancer, it’s equally vital to know the foods that cause lung cancer. Though there is no enough evidence (some evidence is justified) to show if certain foods cause lung cancer, there are a few of them known to aggravate the condition.

Red meat and processed meat can increase your risk of developing lung cancer. Excessive consumption of alcohol is another culprit that can increase the possibility of developing lung cancer.

Sugar directly doesn’t cause lung cancer. However, a diet high in sugar promotes obesity and sharply increases blood sugar levels. This can have detrimental effects on your overall wellbeing and can put unwanted pressure on your heart and lungs. Though sugar isn’t directly linked to lung cancer, its advisable to avoid foods that contain a high amount of sugar. Processed sugar should also be eliminated from your diet to maintain a healthy weight and normal blood sugar levels.

Diet for lung cancer prevention
There is a link between diet and lung cancer prevention. Foods that help prevent lung cancer are fruits and green leafy vegetables. Other foods to prevent lung cancer are

  • Foods that are high in lutein like spinach, broccoli, and orange juice.
  • Foods containing lycopene like tomatoes and even tomato sauces.
  • Consume foods like an apple that is high in flavonoids.
  • Consuming green tea provides a protective effect on reducing the risks of and prevent developing lung cancer.
  • Always choose healthy fats and reduce the intake of or avoid foods with trans-fat and saturated fats. These include packed foods, cakes, muffins, fried chicken and red meat.
  • Refined carbs cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. Avoid consuming sugary soft drinks, white bread, pasta and processed foods like pizzas.