Habits that can help banish freezer odors

Habits that can help banish freezer odors

A foul-smelling refrigerator can be your worst nightmare. You will need to clean it to eliminate the odor before you can start your work in the kitchen. This means you have to put everything on the back burner to deal with a stinky fridge. Instead, it is better and wiser to opt for ways to ensure that your fridge smells fresh at all times.

Some easy household habits can help you if you are looking for tips to banish freezer odors. If you stick to these habits, you will probably not have to deal with such a situation as you will effectively prevent it! Here are some of the most effective tips to banish freezer odors that you can inculcate to avert a stinky fridge crisis:

  • The first thing to do is to take everything out of the fridge and clean it. This is something that you should schedule every few weeks so that there are no leftovers that can emit a foul smell of rotting. When you have a second fridge at home, the task becomes simpler. Alternately, you can place all the perishables in coolers for the time being, until the fridge is thoroughly cleaned inside out.
  • You must make it a point to take out all the shelves, ice trays, and drawers and soak them in warm, soapy water in the sink for further washing. When the smell seems to be very pervasive, it may help to sanitize the solution with chlorine added to a gallon of water. You can then rinse all the items in plain water, followed by air-drying them.
  • The interiors of the refrigerator must be sufficiently deodorized; for this, it is best to use naturally produced solutions like vinegar or baking soda instead of chemicals. You must not use abrasive cleaners that can end up scratching the surfaces.
  • The best way to get rid of any foul odor is to let the fridge stay unplugged for a day. The door needs to be kept open so that the bad air goes out. If the smell is not gone, you may need to wipe the inside again using a baking soda solution.
  • Cleaning the evaporator is a good idea when the smell lingers as the smell sometimes permeates the evaporator coil. This and the fan for distributing air are fixed at the back of the freezer, and they must be cleaned properly to ensure that no smells are remaining.
  • A good habit is to monitor the fridge temperature. Bad smells usually occur when food stored inside a fridge gets spoiled or contaminated. A high temperature may cause food to get spoiled, while a low temperature will lead to a waste of energy. In case the fridge is not as cool as it should be despite adjusting the temperature settings, you must call a professional.
  • Using humidity controls will help, which is why produce must be stored in the crisper drawers to retain their freshness.
  • You need to make an “eat me first” department for all foods that are likely to expire soon. When these are at your eye-level, you will not forget them.
  • Finally, a helpful tip to banish freezer odors is to clean up the spill right away. If there are drips or spills left uncleaned, they will dry up and start emitting a foul smell.