8 superfoods that reduce the risk of cancer

8 superfoods that reduce the risk of cancer

Over the years, studies and research have been conducted to find out about the superfoods that may help reduce the risk of developing cancer. Many studies have established an association between certain food items and certain types of cancers. These food items are usually referred to as superfoods as they are packed with powerful anti-cancer properties. The consumption of these superfoods will help one maximize one’s health and reduce the risk of cancer. Here is a list of superfoods that reduce the risk of cancer.

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that is touted as one of the best superfoods that reduce the risk of cancer. This veggie is a storehouse of potent compounds that safeguard the body and ward off an accumulation of cancer-causing elements. It is important to include this superfood in one’s diet to lower the risk of certain types of cancer.

Enriched with antioxidants, tomatoes are healthy food items that are known to help reduce the risk of cancer. The presence of lycopene in tomatoes makes them a powerhouse of anti-cancer properties. Studies and research have found that a higher intake of tomatoes may effectively reduce the risk of certain types of cancer like prostate cancer.

The powerful cancer-fighting properties of carrot make it one of the best superfoods that reduce the risk of cancer. Packed with vital nutrients that possess anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, carrots are some of the healthiest food items that one can help reduce the risk of a harrowing disease like cancer.

Extra-virgin olive oil
Extra-virgin olive oil is loaded with oleocanthal, a compound that features cancer-fighting properties. An array of studies have proved that the consumption of olive oil can lower the risk of certain types of cancer including the cancer of the digestive system.

Beans are considered to be potent anti-cancer food items. They contain a high amount of fiber and antioxidants that may allow them to prevent cancer cells from developing. Studies have found an association between higher intake of beans and a lower risk of certain types of cancer.

Spinach is a potent source of various types of carotenoids that enable this leafy green vegetable to reduce the risk of certain types of cancers like lung, ovarian, and colorectal cancer.

Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits such as oranges, limes, and grapefruits are replete with a myriad of vitamins like vitamin C and antioxidants that possess strong anti-cancer properties. The nutritional composition of citrus fruits makes them some of the best food items for reducing the risk of certain types of cancers.

The presence of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, makes this spice one of the best superfoods that reduce the risk of cancer. Studies have established curcumin as a great source of antioxidants and anti-cancer properties.

A lot of studies conducted over the years suggest that the aforementioned superfoods can help lower the risk of cancer. It is essential to increase their consumption on a daily basis to reap the health benefits and help safeguard one’s body from a life-threatening disease like cancer.